BaronBot is a taskbot that helps you manage your tasks. You can keep track of things to do, deadlines and events. You can track each tasks level of importance as well!
- Add a task
Prompts you to enter a type of task.
Example of usage: add
Expected outcome:
What kind of task is it?
- Todo
- Deadline
- Event
- Add a task type.
Adds a task type and prompts you for a description.
Example of usage: todo
Expected outcome:
Please enter the task.
- Add a task description.
Adds a description to the task and stores it.
There are 3 formats for descriptions:
Example of usage: Team Meeting, 18/09/2020 1800-1900
Expected outcome:
Alright, I've added this task:
[Event][✗] Team Meeting (at: 18 Sep 2020, 1800-1900) - Priority: UNDEFINED
- Mark a task as complete
Prompts you to enter the task number that you want marked as completed.
Example of usage: done
Expected outcome:
Which task do you want to mark as done?
- Select the task to mark.
Marks the task with that task number on your list as completed.
Example of usage: 3
Expected outcome:
Good job! This task is now marked as done:
[Event][✓] Team Meeting (at: 18 Sep 2020, 1800-1900) - Priority: UNDEFINED
- Delete a task
Prompts you to enter the task number that you want to delete.
Example of usage: delete
Expected outcome:
Which task do you want to delete?
- Select the task to delete.
Delete the task with that task number on your list.
Example of usage: 3
Expected outcome:
Alright, the following task has been removed:
[Event][✓] Team Meeting (at: 18 Sep 2020, 1800-1900) - Priority: UNDEFINED
You now have 2 tasks on your list.
- Find tasks
Prompts you to enter a keyword.
Example of usage: find
Expected outcome:
What are you trying to find? Search using a keyword.
- Find the matching tasks.
Find the tasks that match the keyword.
Example of usage: Buy
Expected outcome:
These are the tasks that match the keyword:
1. [Todo][✓] Buy eggs - Priority: MEDIUM
2. [Todo][✗] Buy milk - Priority: LOW
- Assign a priority level
Prompts you to enter the task number that you want to assign a priority level to.
Example of usage: priority
Expected outcome:
Which task do you want to assign a priority to?
- Select the task to assign to.
Select the task and prompts you for priority level.
There are 3 priority levels:
Example of usage: 3
Expected outcome:
What Level do you want to set it as?
- High
- Medium
- Low
The default priority level is assigned as “undefined”.
- Assign a priority level.
Assigns a priority level to the selected task.
Example of usage: High
Expected outcome:
Alright, the following task priority has been updated:
[Event][✗] Team Meeting (at: 18 Sep 2020, 1800-1900) - Priority: HIGH
- List all the commands
List all the commands you can use.
Example of usage: help
Expected outcome:
Here are the commands you can use:
1. Help
2. List
3. Add
4. Done
5. Delete
6. Find
7. Priority
8. Bye
- List all the tasks
List all the tasks stored on your list.
Example of usage: list
Expected outcome:
Here are the tasks in your list:
1. [Todo][✓] Buy eggs - Priority: MEDIUM
2. [Todo][✗] Buy milk - Priority: LOW
3. [Event][✗] Team Meeting (at: 18 Sep 2020, 1800-1900) - Priority: HIGH
- Exits the program
Exits the program.
Example of usage: bye
Expected outcome:
Bye! See you around