
User Guide for BaronBot

Baronbot UI


BaronBot is a taskbot that helps you manage your tasks. You can keep track of things to do, deadlines and events. You can track each tasks level of importance as well!


Adding tasks

  1. add - Add a task

    Prompts you to enter a type of task.

    Example of usage: add

    Expected outcome:

    What kind of task is it?
     - Todo
     - Deadline
     - Event
  2. [TASK TYPE] - Add a task type.

    Adds a task type and prompts you for a description.

    Example of usage: todo

    Expected outcome:

    Please enter the task.
  3. [DESCRIPTION] - Add a task description.

    Adds a description to the task and stores it.

    There are 3 formats for descriptions:

    • Todo: [DESCRIPTION]
    • Deadline: [DESCRIPTION], [DD/MM/YYYY] [HHMM]

    Example of usage: Team Meeting, 18/09/2020 1800-1900

    Expected outcome:

    Alright, I've added this task:
    [Event][✗] Team Meeting (at: 18 Sep 2020, 1800-1900) - Priority: UNDEFINED

    Marking tasks as completed

  4. done - Mark a task as complete

    Prompts you to enter the task number that you want marked as completed.

    Example of usage: done

    Expected outcome:

    Which task do you want to mark as done?
  5. [TASK NUMBER] - Select the task to mark.

    Marks the task with that task number on your list as completed.

    Example of usage: 3

    Expected outcome:

    Good job! This task is now marked as done:
    [Event][✓] Team Meeting (at: 18 Sep 2020, 1800-1900) - Priority: UNDEFINED

Deleting tasks

  1. delete - Delete a task

    Prompts you to enter the task number that you want to delete.

    Example of usage: delete

    Expected outcome:

    Which task do you want to delete?
  2. [TASK NUMBER] - Select the task to delete.

    Delete the task with that task number on your list.

    Example of usage: 3

    Expected outcome:

    Alright, the following task has been removed:
    [Event][✓] Team Meeting (at: 18 Sep 2020, 1800-1900) - Priority: UNDEFINED
    You now have 2 tasks on your list.

Finding tasks

  1. find - Find tasks

    Prompts you to enter a keyword.

    Example of usage: find

    Expected outcome:

    What are you trying to find? Search using a keyword.
  2. [KEYWORD] - Find the matching tasks.

    Find the tasks that match the keyword.

    Example of usage: Buy

    Expected outcome:

    These are the tasks that match the keyword:
    1. [Todo][✓] Buy eggs - Priority: MEDIUM
    2. [Todo][✗] Buy milk - Priority: LOW

Assigning priority levels

  1. priority - Assign a priority level

    Prompts you to enter the task number that you want to assign a priority level to.

    Example of usage: priority

    Expected outcome:

    Which task do you want to assign a priority to?
  2. [TASK NUMBER] - Select the task to assign to.

    Select the task and prompts you for priority level.

    There are 3 priority levels:

    • High
    • Medium
    • Low

    Example of usage: 3

    Expected outcome:

    What Level do you want to set it as?
     - High
     - Medium
     - Low

    The default priority level is assigned as “undefined”.

  3. [PRIORITY LEVEL] - Assign a priority level.

    Assigns a priority level to the selected task.

    Example of usage: High

    Expected outcome:

    Alright, the following task priority has been updated:
    [Event][✗] Team Meeting (at: 18 Sep 2020, 1800-1900) - Priority: HIGH

Getting help with commands

help - List all the commands

List all the commands you can use.

Example of usage: help

Expected outcome:

Here are the commands you can use:
1. Help
2. List 
3. Add
4. Done
5. Delete
6. Find
7. Priority
8. Bye

Listing tasks

list - List all the tasks

List all the tasks stored on your list.

Example of usage: list

Expected outcome:

Here are the tasks in your list: 
1. [Todo][✓] Buy eggs - Priority: MEDIUM
2. [Todo][✗] Buy milk - Priority: LOW 
3. [Event][✗] Team Meeting (at: 18 Sep 2020, 1800-1900) - Priority: HIGH

Exiting the program

bye - Exits the program

Exits the program.

Example of usage: bye

Expected outcome:

Bye! See you around